Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Reads So Far This Year

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme is Top Ten Favorite 2016 Releases So Far This Year. Since I have only read one 2016 release I decided to change it up a little to fit my needs. Instead of doing my top ten favorite 2016 releases, I'm going to just do my top ten favorite reads so far this year.

*Saga is represenbting volumes 1-5

*Food Wars is representing volumes 1-5

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half of the Year

Hey everyone, welcome back to another Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the ladies of the Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme is top ten most anticipated releases for the second half of the year. Since I'm currently reading mostly YA, pretty much all of these books ended up being YA. I'm still looking to read more types of books so if you have some books that being released that aren't YA please leave them in the comments so I can check them out! Here are some of the books I'm looking forward to that are being released in the second half of the year.






Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why I Love YA

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the ladies of The Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme was a freebie centered around reason why we love a certain thing/topic. I decided to go with reason why I love YA or Young Adult Literature.

1. There's always an adventure: It doesn't matter if it's an emotional, physical, or even both, there's is always a journey that unfolds in the story.

2. Hope for change: I'm still getting into adult novels and this might be a complete stereotype but there is room for change in YA novels unlike in adult novels that sometimes focuses on the aftermath of bad decision making. Even though it might be a little hard to believe at times, YA allows for a character or group of characters to change the world (or at least their part of the world).

3. The Romance!: I love reading about romance and YA novels are so romantic (for lack of a better word at the moment). The characters are old enough (in my opinion) to understand and experience love, heartbreak, lose, etc. so when they find "the one" it's a beautiful thing.

4. Escape from reality: I am very happy with my life but I admit it's not always the most exciting. I love being able to pick up a book and explore a new world. Even if the world is similar to my own, there's always something that happens that is something that will probably never happen to me. I love being able to live the characters' life without having to actually live it.

5. It's not an "easier" version of literature: It's said that this still has to be said. YA novels doesn't mean the content is easier to read than literary fiction, it just means the these novels are targeted towards the young adult age category. It really bothers me when people try to put down YA just because of that label. YA novels can be just as unique and complex as books marketed for older age groups. I have read some truly brilliant novels that are under the young adult category.

What are some reasons you love (or even like) YA novels?