Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at Broke and Bookish. Each week there is a topic and we list off our top ten items based on that topic.
Freebie | Series I Haven't Started Yet
This is my first time participating in Top Ten Tuesday. It is a bit late since I found out about it at around 11 pm and decided to just go ahead and put something together. Since it was a freebie I decided to list 10 series that I really want to read but haven't started yet. These series aren't listed in any specific order. I've heard so many good things about all these series, I just haven't taken the time to pick them up yet but I will soon!
*All links lead to Goodreads page for the first book in the series

Throne of Glass - I didn't find out about this series until the 3rd book came out. I have been hearing amazing this series. I even bought an ebook version of Throne of Glass because the reviews were so good but I still haven't started it yet.
The Lunar Chronicles - This is another series I found heard about later in the series. I even checked Cinder out of my school's library but at the time I was busy so I never got around to actually reading it. I am excited about starting this series.
The Mortal Instruments - I have mixed feelings about this one. I own a copy of City of Bones and have tried to start this series multiple times but could never seem to get into it. However, whenever I tried to pick it up I was usually in the mood for a light fun read and I thought I could just force myself into it. Clearly that didn't work, I've heard so many good reviews of this series that I want to give it a fair shot.
Percy Jackson & The Olympians - I didn't know about this series when I was younger. If I did I think I would have definitely read it because I was interested in Greek mythology. So many people seem to like this series, as well as the continuations, so I want to read them soon.
Shatter Me - I first stumbled upon this series on goodreads. The summary sounded interesting but the original cover made me doubt the quality of the book. I put it on my TBR but I didn't think twice about it. Then I started hearing reviews about the series which made me go back to it and push it up more towards the top of my list.
The Darkest Minds - This is another one of those series I heard great reviews about. I don't know too much about this series besides children gaining special abilities. I was really interested from that alone and I plan on picking up this series.
Legend - Honestly I don't really know much about this series. All I know is there was a war and the United States have been split into two sections known as the Republic and the Colonies. Once again, there have been so many great reviews on this series that I want to check it out.
The 5th Wave - I have been wanting to start this series for a while. I even bought a copy and had planned on reading it when I got it but like with Cinder, I got really busy with school so I didn't have any extra time to sit down and get through it.
This isn't all the series I want to read that I haven't started yet, but it's the start of a long and growing list. Which of these series should I pick up first? What are some series you really want to read or continue?
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