Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #6

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at Broke and Bookish. Each week there is a topic and we list off our top ten items based on that topic.

This week's theme is:

10 Wishes I'd Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me

1. Ability to stop time while I'm reading - There's never enough time to read and do everything else I need to do like clean or sleep. 
2. Ability to read any book (especially the longer ones in 2-3 days. There are just so many books to read and not enough time. 
3. Be able to instantly receive a copy of any book I want to read. 
4. Be able to instantly put all my thoughts and feelings into a coherent discussion.
5. Be able to talk to authors about ways a book can go or ask questions. 
6. Redesign book covers I don't like (even if it's only my copy). 
7. This is similar to #3 but get a physical copy of all ebooks I own. 
8. Always have at least one person to discuss every book I read with as soon as I finish that book.
9. Have a movie/tv adaptation to any book I want. 
10. Bring any book character to life for a day (as many times as I want XD).

What are some of your wishes you would ask the book genie for?

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